Dani (and almost all other females I know) have been talking about this Twilight book since last summer. Everyone devoured the book in mere minutes it seemed. My sister Millie read all three books in three days. My friend Shara stopped all housework and barely fed her children while reading the series. I didn''t take the bite. I have a problem reading or watching whatever I know everyone else is into. I may read a book years after the initial craze and then run around excitedly telling everyone I meet how great the book is. Strange, I know.
Dani had the book in her car. She tempted me and I caved. While Hugo napped I started to read. I didn't want to read much because I was looking forward to my Sunday afternoon nap. I was torn. Nap or new book, nap or new book? I decided on a little of both. So I began with a slow start. Hugo woke me and we played outside. Then, into the house I went to pull dinner together. Decided on my own version of shepherds pie. First though, I brought the book down to the kitchen. I read a bit more in between preparing the meal and cleaning up while it was in the oven. After dinner I whipped up some caramel, walnut brownies while Cesar and Hugo played in the yard. As the brownies baked away, I picked up the book again. Once Hugo was settled for the night I eagerly began to read in earnest. I read and read. Cesar passed out in front of the TV with his tummy full of brownies. I looked at the clock and left him to sleep on in his oversized chair. He looked comfy and I just wasn't at at good stopping place! Finally I woke him. I told Cesar it was time for bed but, would he mind if I read with the light on for a little bit?? I read in bed with my nightstand light burning away until 5am. Poor Cesar. . . I wasn't quite finished but my eyes were beginning to cross and then I heard a crash from Hugo's room and two seconds later crying. He had fallen out of bed. So this morning I finished the final few pages plus the teaser for the next book. I gotta get the second book and soon. Here comes my plug - If you haven't read the series, start now! The fourth book and the movie are both due out sometime this coming summer. Check out the the author Stephanie Meyer's website for info on her books and upcoming movie at http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilightseries.html
1 comment:
It's been a while since I've had a book that I could not put down. I miss that. I also feel like if I were to read, I'd get nothing else done.
My friend's son just fell out of his bed the other day too. Must be a full moon or something.
Thanks for the heads up on other blogs for me to stalk. I'll be lurking in your blog now that you've written in mine. YOu've been warned. ;)
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