Where to begin? At the beginning? Do I really have to retrace all our steps back to the very beginning of our very long and very, very bad day? I suppose so. I did laugh as we three sat smooshed together in the back of a gypsy cab while following my car hitched to a tow truck. I told Cesar, through my half hysterical laughter, that this day was most definitely blog worthy. Cesar didn't have much to say at that moment.
The Beginning. My alarm rang at 6:45 am, I chose to ignore it but Cesar leaped from bed in the single bound thing he does so predictably and well, and headed for the shower. I heard his footsteps back in our room and peeped at the clock. 13 minutes had passed and my husband was showered, shaved and in the midst of dressing. Amazing. I rolled myself up and out of bed, headed for the bathroom. The night before I had picked out clothing for Hugo and myself and packed a bag of tricks to entertain him in the car if needed. I knew that all I had to do this morning was to apply make-up, dress, eat and prepare snacks for the short one and we would be out the door and off. Cesar woke and dressed Hugo. Cesar also filled a water bottle for me. I was traveling to the City to repeat part of an anatomy ultrasound appointment for the twins, I was going to need the water to fill my bladder in preparation of the scan. I was uneasy about bringing Hugo to the City. Cesar was going to scout out locations for a commercial shoot and I would be alone with the short one until 12:30 pm when I was to meet a friend who would watch him while I had the scan. Hopefully we would connect with Cesar around 2ish at the latest. As we all headed out the door and down the walk to the car, information of Hugo's not yet emptying his bladder this morning reached my ears. "WHAT??!!!! How could this be?? We can't leave! You march back in that house and tinkle Mister!" I screeched. I was out voted. The door was locked. I had not packed back up undies or shorts or shoes for any of us, let alone for the one who had not tinkled and was facing a long drive with a time limit attached. I tried to be nice in the car, I'm not sure if I succeeded. I was wishing Hugo had stayed home with a sitter. No genie in a bottle appeared.
We left the hospital and walked one block up to a children's playground. I don't remember the details of that walk. I do know that we both made it all in one piece. Once through the gate, Hugo smiled from ear to ear and took off running. I was happy for him but quickly realized that this was not a park where I could park myself and watch him. There were far to many play areas and blind spots. On my feet I remained, following my son from play structure to sandbox to the swings to the stone elephants spraying water from their trunks to the swings and sandbox and back. He was in heaven and I was pooped, done for.
Hugo ran up and told me he had to tinkle. Really? I thought. He only had about four bottles of water in him by this point. We hurried over to the lavatory. About 15 minutes later Hugo ran up and told me he had to poop. Oh man! We were just in the bathroom, and I had only moments before lowered myself onto a bench in the shade. We hurried to do our business once more. Inside the warm, tight fitting bathroom stall I began to feel overwhelmed. Hugo was hunched over the toilet seat and I was crammed between his little knees and the stall door desperately trying to not touch the walls. Hugo's stink suddenly got the best of me and I burst into tears! Uncontrollably they came gushing out. Hugo, still hunched over the toilet seat, looked up at me with his big eyeballs and asked what was wrong. Out of my mouth flowed all of my believed tortures of the day. When I had finished and begun to wipe my tears away Hugo said, "Momma, Jesus loves you." He then began to sing a made up song about Jesus loving me. Soon afterward, Cesar arrived at the park. I was able to finally tinkle myself, catch my breath and off we went to grab a burger and fries to fill my empty stomach.
The decision was made between us for me to keep my ultrasound appointment. Cesar and Hugo walked me to the hospital and then headed uptown to retrieve the parked car. My appointment was to be fast. I would meet up with them soon. My appointment ran on time. Baby A was cooporative and showed us her needed profile and the chambers of her heart for documentation. Baby B on the other hand, was quite comfy in her horizontal, face up position and was not budging. The tech woman had all sorts of tricks up her sleeve. She needed views of Baby B's spine and kidneys. I was asked to stand up and bend to attempt to touch my toes. We tried to squeeze the babies into new positions. I was rolled from my back to one side and another, fed orange juice and even had the table inverted so that my feet were way above my head. I was worried I might tumble backwards into a clumsy somersault sort of thing, didn't happen. Nothing worked. We tried for an hour to coax her into a new position but as I mentioned before, she was not budging. The time spent waiting for Baby B to change position allowed us to confirm that we are having girls. Once I was released from the goop on my belly and my full bladder, I ran out of the hospital with my scans in hand and did not make the follow-up appointment that had been requested. Another day.
Cesar met me out on the street in front of Soetheby's with Hugo fresh from a nap in the car. We three began our drive north and snacked on apple slices. Hugo wanted to be home, he informed us of how he wanted to play in his room. Cesar wanted time to relax and prepare for the days of work ahead. I wished to be home to eat some left over quiche which was calling my name and watch the ending of a television show.
Mid way through our journey up the Jersey highway our car began to shut down one system at a time. I sat in my passenger seat in disbelief. This was my car which never gave us any problems. Cesar managed our escape from the fast lane across two other lanes of traffic and part way down an off ramp before the car seized and gave up the ghost. Thank heavens for that off ramp. It had beautiful grass. Really! I kept thinking of how this off ramp had nicer grass than our yard. There were also trees and bushes with plenty of shade from the late afternoon sun. We didn't know what to do. The three of us ranted and raved and questioned and... Cesar phoned up a tow truck. We love our iPhones more and more. We called his friend Calen to be our backup driver home if needed. We weren't sure what our plan was to be or even, should be. Thank heavens I packed Hugo's backpack full of tricks and still had plenty of snacks in my bag. I must say that he was a real trooper through this part of our day. Not always such a good listener but, at least no crying fits appeared. Cesar and I wracked our brains for options. I phoned up John Webb who has worked on our car since it's purchase and described the situation as best I could to him. He recommended checking the batteries connections, if that didn't work he was afraid our alternator had died. That gave us a little something to go on. Was our car now a clunker? We are in the market for a van to fit our growing family so we decided to have my car towed to the nearest Chrysler dealership. While we waited for the wrecker we phoned up local dealers to find out who had what vans and with which options in stock, we would be driving it home tonight. After the wrecker arrived we waited another long, long wait for the gypsy cab to arrive. Once he arrived we loaded up our bags and Hugo's carseat, off to the dealership we drove.
Cesar sent me into the showroom to get that ball rolling while he settled with the taxi and tow truck men. Hugo's wild man side resurfaced. He wanted to play here and there. He wanted to climb in the vans and push the open and close sliding door buttons. He wanted more water. The dealership was slammed. Their were families and couples at every available table. Not one sales person was free to help us. This cash of clunkers program is really moving cars. Will there be any vans left I wondered? Cesar entered the showroom and joined us for a second go around at the bubbler. We waited and waited. Cesar had had enough of waiting. He had ants in his pants. The tow truck guy had given our car a jump and it was running. We almost drove to another dealer. Ideas were flying between us left and right. In the end, we decided to head for home. We turned off and dimmed everything we possibly could to save our battery power. The car began to repeat its dying symptoms about another 30-40 minutes down the road. At least we were back in New York state! I looked up the whereabouts of the nearest Wal-Mart on the phone and Cesar coasted us into the parking lot. Hugo and I headed into the store for water, fruit and goodies. Cesar headed in the opposite direction in search of the largest battery he thought would fit in the engine space plus wrenches and a flashlight. Hugo and I ate and played a quiet game to help Poppa concentrate. Another trip inside for a needed tool and then Cesar was successful. We were off, headed up the interstate for home once more. The drive was a speedy one, of the MPH variety I mean. We feared this new battery dying on us and being stuck on the side of the road once more. I phoned our friend Sheri and she and her new husband Paul met us at the repair shop where we abandoned our car. She was kind and brought snacks and a juice box for Hugo not knowing if we had been able to obtain food or not. It was an enjoyable 20 minute ride home. We all laughed at bits and pieces of our ordeal. We revealed the babies genders to our friends and they were happy with us. I felt lighter and free being shed of our car. Once inside the house, the dogs were watered and fed. The cats bowls were filled. I tucked Hugo into jammies, read him a story and the light was turned off. In our room I quickly made up our bed, pulled on my jammies and brushed my teeth. I could hear Cesar rumbling around downstairs but once under my sheets my body would not allow me to move. The pillows were arranged around my bump and I was one with our bed. On our drive home I knew that Cesar was terribly stressed. He worries about being away from me while I am pregnant and Hugo is so little. I knew that today was close to one of his worst fears coming true. I wanted to help him. I had planned to massage his back and body into sleep. I wanted to do that for him. But Cesar was not in our bed. My brain was still awake as I heard his footsteps enter our room and felt his body crawl between the sheets but my body was not. I didn't move a muscle or utter hardly a sound. So I write this hoping that he will read my words and know that I had good intentions. That I owe him. He got the three of us safely home after a very long and a very, very bad day. And yes, Hugo was right in reminding me and I want him to one day know that I know his simple truth - Jesus loves me.
Those are the days that try mothers' souls. And fathers'. What an ordeal.
I'm glad you're home safe and sound.
Congratulations on the twin girls. How exciting and exhuasting and extremely excellent!
I am sorry for your horrible day and yes i have had them too so I understand. I am glad you are all right.
Oh what an awful day. I feel your pain as I read that. As a mother of three I know there are "those" days-such as you described. It is doubly worse when you are pregnant and tired, and dragging a child or two in tow. But you made it through!
Also congrats on the double girls! I like that family dynamic for you. Big Brother Hugo, and the Baby Girls. Wishing you lots of love and luck! :)
girls! girls!! girls!!! i love baby girls!!!! congrats alissa...and SO sorry for the awful day.
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