Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We woke to another 3 inches of snow this morning causing Hugo to have a two hour delay for school.  We lazed around for a bit before descending the stairs to begin the morning chores.

1.  Tend the fire.
2.  Milk for the girls.
3.  Crunch for Evie The Cat.
4.  Breakfast - cereal or pancakes, cereal or pancakes, 
cereal or pancakes... blueberry pancakes!
5.  Get dressed for the day.

Hugo was excited for school because he wanted to bring one of his dinosaur books for show and tell.  Preschool is awesome, everyday is show and tell day at preschool!  When I picked dear Hugo up today, he told me he had had 3 time outs.  3!  The number was quickly downgraded to 2 time outs once he saw the look of shock on my face.  I wish they'd send a note home with a detail or two as to what he had been up to.  He also had an unexplained nose bleed.  Could be from the dry air in the building or because he can't seem to keep his fingers out of his nose!  Eeeeewww Yuck!

As the snowy skies parted, the sun blazed from noon time onward.  It was wonderful.  Our snow drifts shrank, icicles melted and dropped from the roof, puddles formed in the drive promising to freeze as the temperature plummets overnight.

UPS delivered a new forward facing car seat for one of the girls (someone will inherit Hugo's seat) along with a high back booster seat for Hugo.  Life is moving forward and the children are growing.  I guess we might sell the girls infant seats.  Cesar should be doing back flips from joy over reading that I'll possibly part with a baby item.  We still have Hugo's infant carrier in the attic and I plan on keeping that one for just in case there might be another little one in our future.

Sabine has been a cling on with her bottom molars pushing up at the skin.  She is still walking about the house like Frankenstein/Bambi.  Very cute.  I've got to get a picture of Marlo and her new way of getting around.  She stands up on her knees and "walks" on them.  She's figured out that she has her hands free to carry toys.  I rub lotion into her calloused knee caps morning and night.  She also busted the knee out in one of her jeans today.

Our thoughts and prayers are with my brother-in-law Raphel as he began treatment for eye cancer early this morning.  We love you Tio Raf!  Hugo thinks you are the coolest ever!

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Maggie said...

I logged on to see pics of both girls walking--next time maybe?

Rafael has eye cancer???! Yikes! Hope he's going to be alright.

I love the first pic too.

Alissa Nicolau said...

Hey Mags, Stinker Marlo took off walking *right before* bedtime. I was shocked. No camera upstairs and well, it was time for bed! Check back tomorrow. Love ya!

superman said...

I love those photos!
It looks beautiful!

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