Hugo coaxed Papa into nailing down a few floorboards for his long anticipated tree house. The little bugger sneaks up the scaffolding every chance he gets. He has also fallen off the scaffolding a few times... The monkey that he is, doesn't listen to barely a word out of my mouth these days. I must say, that he does still come running for a kiss upon his injured finger, back, head, or eyeball. The other day he slid down the stairs wrong and wanted me to kiss his bare foot, I drew the kissing booboo line right there. I told Hugo that I was not about to kiss his dirty, smelly foot, for nothing. That got his attention and before I knew it, he was laughing. Laughter is the next best medicine to the kissing kind.
That last shot of Marlo is a close up of her version of "sand lipgloss", she wears it well don't you think? I'm enamored with Sabine's wispy waves. I know they wont last, so I'll take pictures while I may. Oh yes, Sabine is wearing the latest of summer bronzer from the oh so chic cosmetic house of Daddy's Dodge Tailpipe. It is going to be a long, long summer.