The Bad News: Cesar's blood is positive for the antibody. The bad news might still turn out to be fine in the end. I have another ultrasound scheduled for next week where the docs will track the babies blood flow in their umbilical cords and brains. Supposedly, everything looks normal at this time.
The Good News: I should really call it The Fun News!
Baby A weighs 4 lbs. 4 oz.
Baby B weighs 4 lbs. 10 oz.
Baby A is head up while Baby B is almost in the right down position. The doc said that once their in the down position it's very unlikely that they'll change position again. Good girl Baby B!
Congrats on the new babies! Have you picked out their names yet? You may want to check out to help you in picking the best names for the twins.
What antibody, Ali? Um, I missed something along the line...
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