Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Millie May Price Is Moving


My sister Millie leaves the country with her children today, to begin an exciting chapter in their families life in Spain.  Trent is already there, and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his family.   I wish I were going too.  Not because I'm jealous of her new digs in sunny southern Spain, but because she has been such a wonderful friend to me and I'm afraid of the coming break in our communication.  Losing three girlfriends and one sister in eight months time, due to new job locations, has taken an emotional toll on me.  I'm gonna miss you Millie!!!

I love my sister Millie.  She makes me laugh and laugh and bakes a tasty cheesecake.  Millie is a great photographer and an even better mother.  She loves her husband and the gospel completely.  My sister Millie is creative, smart, caring, the best friend, and a super sounding board.  Millie is cool.  I love my sister Millie and I am going to miss her like mad... so Trent had better find a really big house, because the kids and I are coming over!

These pics were taken on walks we shared after our collective six kids were tucked in beds at Popeye's house.


1 comment:

Audra said...

This is a sweet post, Ali. Millie is going to smile when she reads it, I know I did. :) You two are too cute.