Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cesar's parents came for a special weekend visit to spend time with the children and to see the opera.  Momsha hasn't seen the girls walking yet and she has been looking forward to viewing the big change in the girls.  The above photo is of Cesar whisking his parents off to the front steps of Lincoln Center.  Before they left, we had a nice visit, a simple meal, and Hugo opened his birthday present... a robot arm!  He loved it!   

The girls and I changed into jammies soon after dinner.  I had asked Cesar to bring in more wood for the fire in the evening, he told me the wheel barrow was full.  So, the girls and I played on our bed with Evie The Cat and posed for pictures.  When it came time to feed the fire... there was no wood in the wheel barrow!  Well, there were like three pieces left.  I sent the bottom photo to let Cesar know my thoughts on the matter. 

After the children were tucked into their beds and as my in-laws were being serenaded by Tosca I began to read the book Water For Elephants.

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