As I made our dinner tonight, the above is what I spied a happening on our kitchen window. I made Cesar run over and take a look too! Boy, I need to clean those windows. Lora, how soon can you fly in?
Cesar has been busy all day raking and sprucing up our yard. It's a big, big job. Hugo and I watched. We let Layla out and run about for our friend Sheri. Hugo tossed a tennis ball around. He also hammered on everything in sight with his "Pat" toy. Namely Me, the dogs, Evie, rocks, the table, the counter, my car, the oven door, the dinner dishes and the wheelbarrow. I think Pat is going on vacation tonight. An extended vacation.
I spread an entire bag of grass seed on bald patches and the newly raked areas Cesar cleared. Pine needles really do cause havoc on the grass.
This photo is of Cesar cleaning the area where he felled the big ash tree. The past so many weekends he has been busy chopping up the massive truck with his chain saw. He has hauled and stacked the wood to mix it in with the hard woods we purchased back in the fall. It is messy, hard work.
Look closely at Hugo's hands and you'll spy Pat, who is soon to be far, far away on vacation. Any takers on a last minute visitor? He doesn't eat much and is pretty quiet unless played with by an almost 3 yr old little boy.
Hugo spied the moon through the cedar branches while we visited Poppa raking up the last of the sawdust mess from the yard.
I'm off to raid the fridge of the butterscotch pudding I made while cleaning up the dinner dishes. Good Night!
P.S. - Don't forget to comment here if you'd like to enter my blogoversary giveaway...
McQueen in Michigan
1 day ago
we had our first real spring weather weekend!! it has been the coldest, wettest (most depressing) spring EVER. this weekend was AMAZING... high 60's and full sun both days!! we cleared almost 1000 pounds of brush off of our property and took it to the recycling place. i'm sunburned and tired...and i feel GREAT! let's clean and do yardwork together!! would my pitchfork and powerhedger make it through airport security? I'M ON MY WAY! why can't we be next door neighbors?
Looks like a big job! Glad your men are up to it!
Did you say butterscotch pudding? Oh yummy! Hope you enjoyed every last little bit of it :)
Butterscotch pudding sounds good to me too! And I am sending another entry for the blogoversary
giveaway! :) Are the moths mating? How beautiful! Ha.Ha.
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