Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ladder Back Chairs

I had a mountain of laundry to wash and fold yesterday.  While I folded clothes and made nice stacks on our bed, a voice whispered in my ear to quick check craigslist on my phone for dining chairs.  I found them!  I found them!  I fell in love with two groups of chairs which I thought would go well together and would be a great match for our soon to be new dining table.  I sent a text to Cesar about finding some chairs I liked to warm him to the idea of discussing chair options once home by my side.  It worked!  Cesar like them too!  I made a call to hold the group of four ladder back chairs for Cesar to pick up today.  Lucky for me, Cesar had only a location scout in Jersey for his commercial next week so he had time to play delivery man for me.  The poor guy drove all day long.  Down to Jersey, out to Long Island for the four chairs and over to Westchester for the two end chairs and finally home.  I was very excited to see him pull up the drive!  I ran out to the truck to help carry them inside.  My smile reached from ear to ear.  A few need new rush on the seats, but with littles in the house, I think the chairs will do as they are for a long while.

I also made a Malotov for dessert.  Thinking of you Momsha!


millie said...

you're right, they're very cool chairs. can't wait to see the finished product all together.

I am me said...

Hey, just stopped at your blog by accident. These are VERY attractive chairs. Craigslist, you say?
I am at