I managed to convince my husband to attend our church's annual Memorial Day Picnic today! I figured it out that the last time we attended was the summer that Hugo was a baby. That's a long time ago folks. We didn't stay long, but there was lots of food (a yummy yellow cake with layers of pineapple and cool whip was my favorite!), great weather, plenty of willing hands to hold the babies and games.
First there was the doughnut game for the little kids. Hugo joined in. His string was a little on the high side so Cesar gave him a boost up upon his knee. It was fun to watch him try to keep his hands behind his back, he lasted mere seconds with that pose. In the end, Hugo used his shoulder as a handy doughnut capturing tool.
Our Miss Sabine made a new friend in a little one named Benjamin.
The second game was intended for the teenagers,
but a few of the younger folk joined in this yummy pie eating contest.
The third and final game was for the adults. I heard it was going to be M&M's on a plate so I convinced Cesar to participate. Told him how he'd love it! He was afraid that there would be whip cream involved. Whip cream on M&M's? No way! I told him as I dragged him by the arm back to a waiting picnic table in the pavilion. He sat down. Grabbed a plate. Spied the bags of M&M's and gave me the look of, "Babe, this one is gonna be easy!" See the first pic. Confidence! Then... from over his shoulder, the out of the can style whipped topping (Cesar's worst nightmare of all time) was snaked all over his tasty M&M's. Check out the above middle pic and the look of disappointment on his face. I felt sorry for him. But hold your horses folks, it got worse. Sister Webster doubled back with her spray can in hand, for a second helping of that delicious spray cream. Check out photo number three. I love how Cesar raised his glasses to rub his eyes in hopes it was all a bad dream!
Gotta give it to him! He played the good sport and dove in there with the rest of them. A moment later though... he bailed. He laughed and tried to hide his plate under the table. He told me the cream nearly made him gag.
*Interesting note about my Cesar, he does not like whip cream, custard or pudding of any sort, but he eats yogurt and ice cream like they're going out of style. Cesar has never eaten a Twinkie or a most delicious root beer float. Ever. And my brothers have sure tried to change that.
** Sabine blew her first raspberry today!